Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Always late...

I know this should have been done last week, but I don't have the interwebs, so my online time is limited to: "when the line for the computer labs isn't obscenely huge".

On top of that, I'm a silly goose who went and lost her flash drive, and since it hasn't turned up I'd wager that it has now become someone else's flash drive. I take comfort in this fact, because now I know that there are some people out there who have even less access to technology than I do, to the point where they are compelled to steal a flash drive just to make virtual ends meet. :'(

This is a pretty lousy first post, when so far everyone else has written about their favourite films, or Gran Torino, or *shock horror* course content! I'll save that for the second post. I just had to vent.